Saturday, January 30, 2010


I'm SICK of SPRING now!!!

Really sick of it now!!

I used to complain my parents that they seldom bring me to Spring last time....

But now....

I don't want to go Spring this month anymore!!

I think I can memorize the stuffs that all shops are selling now.....


I think I better don't go Spring until Chinese New Year.....

Or else....

I'll hate Spring for no reasons one day....

I'm emo right now.....

Just suddenly got that feeling.....

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Latest Update

Someone is complaining me now that the reason I don't want to update my blog.

Yaya. Sometimes feel lazy to write a post.

What I had done recently?


(a) I work with my mum everyday.
(b) I have to wake up at 6.15am. Just like going to school. Haiz.
(c) I passed my table test. =) (finally....)
(d) I went to school last week to help teachers with their stuffs.
(e) I dyed my hair reddish-purple.
(f) I'm crazy with super junior recently!!! Especially Mr Bee- Kyuhyun!!!! (will post up his pic =0)
(g) I'm going to have seafood buffet with eli & Kelly this coming Friday!!