Wednesday, May 18, 2011

The BEST gift

I just receive the Best gift today!

I did it!

Study hard!

Study smart!

God knows that I deserve to get this result!

Thank you LORD!


Semester 1- 4.0

Semester 2- 4.0

CGPA- 4.0

GREAT!!!!! =D

Monday, May 9, 2011

Stay Alive!

It's been a while since I update my blog.

Actually I wanna delete this blog since I'm so LAZY to update it and have no idea what to update.


From now on....

I'll TRY MY BEST to write at least some words here...


Finally I've completed my one-year pre-uni programme.

Seems that time flies fast.

I can't deny that I miss my Sabahan & Sarawakian friends & also my beloved roomates.

You guys are AWESOME!

You guys are the ones who make my pre-uni life happier.

I swear that I won't go back there ever again.


I'll enjoy my LONG Holiday!

I hope that I won't get FAT! *crossing fingers*