It was the BEST Sport's Day this year because:
- I could not believe that it was the first & last time I stayed back and watched the Sport's Day although I didn't watch the teachers event. (a bit sad....)
- There was a cheer leading group that made the Sport's Day different!!
- A lot of teachers praised the band did a good job on that day!!! The band was the best marching group on that day!!
I went to Jubilee Ground at 6.40am. All the band members were very lucky this year because Elizabeth asked them to come before 6.45am!! So good!! Still remember that every year we need to go there before 6.30am!!
As for this year, Elaine and I became the watergirls and photographers because the marching block was full. Sport's Day started a bit late this year, that was 8.35am as the VVIP guests came so late.
Before the Sport's Day started,
Band!! At Ease!!
Trombonists (front to back): Amy, Jac, Mariana, Nabilah & Valentina
Basses: Arly, Martha, Judith, Michi, Lippy,
Sharon Kon & Chan chan
Horninsts: Angelene(dummy), Sara & Marilyn( French Hornist)
Saxophonists: Clar (gold sax), Soon, Stef N, Beatrice, Michi Goh,
Bernedette, Guinevere, Evelyn (the "sesat" bass clarinetist),
Melody & Danielle.
Flutists: Bol (piccolo player), Michi Ting, Isabelle, Letitia, Christine,
Rebecca, Estella, Cassy, Suliza & Siti Norsharizah.

I went to Jubilee Ground at 6.40am. All the band members were very lucky this year because Elizabeth asked them to come before 6.45am!! So good!! Still remember that every year we need to go there before 6.30am!!
As for this year, Elaine and I became the watergirls and photographers because the marching block was full. Sport's Day started a bit late this year, that was 8.35am as the VVIP guests came so late.
Before the Sport's Day started,
Sharon Kon & Chan chan
Horninsts: Angelene(dummy), Sara & Marilyn( French Hornist)
Bernedette, Guinevere, Evelyn (the "sesat" bass clarinetist),
Melody & Danielle.
Rebecca, Estella, Cassy, Suliza & Siti Norsharizah.
Clarinetists: Sabrina, Alicia, Maxine, Esjoy, Kher Ching,
Doro, Vivi, Val, Kelly & Lys.
I'm So Sorry Trumpeters & Percussionists!!!
Tak Sempat took pictures!!
Trumpeters: Dae, Amanda, Ruth, Sarah, Nadia Nur Fazuin,
Nabila(dummy) & Yvonne(dummy)
Percussionists: Melissa & Leong Joyce(bells), Joanne & Vanessa(Tenor drums), Fidelia &
Anastasia(Cymbals), Sharon Melissa & Catherine(Bass Drums), Ernie, Eleena & Bridgette(Snare drums) & Joanna(Tritoms).

When marching was started,
The Brownies
Plate holder: Maryann
Flag holder: Debbie (head prefect)
Commander: Felicia Bateman
Red Crescents
Pandu Puteri
Commander: Guprit Kaur
The Pink Egans (my sport house)
During Speeches
The Cheer leading Group
Promoting Milo (Kelly's BIG fingers)
The monkey I saw at the park
Doro, Vivi, Val, Kelly & Lys.
I'm So Sorry Trumpeters & Percussionists!!!
Tak Sempat took pictures!!
Trumpeters: Dae, Amanda, Ruth, Sarah, Nadia Nur Fazuin,
Nabila(dummy) & Yvonne(dummy)
Percussionists: Melissa & Leong Joyce(bells), Joanne & Vanessa(Tenor drums), Fidelia &
Anastasia(Cymbals), Sharon Melissa & Catherine(Bass Drums), Ernie, Eleena & Bridgette(Snare drums) & Joanna(Tritoms).
The Black and White again.
When marching was started,
Plate holder: Maryann
Flag holder: Debbie (head prefect)
Commander: Felicia Bateman
Commander: Guprit Kaur
After that, Joanne and I walked to my dad office to put my things. Suddenly, we saw the Milo supplier and decided to drink Milo first. In our way to my dad office, we attracted by a monkey!! It's so cute!!
Then the form 5s walked to a stall and had our breakfast. We ate laksa and ABC.

We walked to MCD at 11.30am. It took 20 minutes to walk from Jubilee Ground to MCD.
Elaine (the white bag girl) was our mummy on that day
We walked to MCD at 11.30am. It took 20 minutes to walk from Jubilee Ground to MCD.
Actually RC commitee had a meeting at MCD upstairs. So, Band Commitee (Amanda, Elizabeth, Elaine, Lippy & I) also had a small meeting at MCD. We had a sia-soing meeting on that day because we can discussed from MCD to Parkson until Sarawak Plaza.
The Sport's Day resumed at 2.30pm. ISCF had a kindness project on that day, that was giving out free orange juices.
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