Sunday, February 22, 2009

Snake Tragedy

There was a SNAKE in my class!!
It's True!!!

The tragedy began like this...

Andrea: Hey Guys! There's a toy snake on the wall! (trying to stand near and touch it..)
Olivia: Where? OMG!! That's not a toy! You see.. It's moving!
Maxine & Emily: AH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GOT SNAKE!!!!!!!!
Class: AH!!!!!!!!!! (some of them even stand on the chair)

Amanda and I ran to find Mr. Teo for help.

Me: Mr Teo, there's a snake in 5sc1 class.
Mr Teo: Is it? Got Pak Cik there?
Me: Ya...
Mr Teo: Ok. I go up and see 1st.

I saw Pak Cik used the broom and killed the snake. IT'S SO GROSS!!!

The word "SNAKE" appeared 2 times on that day. During BM period, I read the novel "SETEGUH KARANG" chapter 5. It was about an Indonesia worker bitten by a snake and died.During Math period, There was a snake appeared in my class.

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